Ukraine Conflict: Is UN peacekeeping an option?
- Major General AK (Dr) Bardalai, Retired
- 07:19 AM,06 Jan 24
Major General AK Bardalai, VSM (Retd), shares his expertise on the current state of UN peacekeeping, the challenges posed by global conflicts, and the need for reforms within international organizations.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has entered the second month but with no sign of a ceasefire yet. The flurry of diplomatic activities combined with the threat of more economic sanctions continues. Meanwhile, Poland has suggested a kind of peace mission as an interim measure.2 Gowan, The UN Director of Crisis Group, even though has not outrightly
Ever since human beings formed into groups and societies, managing perceptions was an important element of inter and intra group dynamics. It finds mention, albeit not called as such, in discourses of Kautilya, Sun Tzu, Machiavelli and others in the art of ‘State Craft' and ‘Warfare'. It is of late that the term “Perception Management” has gained currency. Kautilya's seven strategies of; Sanman (appeasement), Dand (punishment), Dana (gift, bribery), Bheda (dividing), Maya (illusion, deceit) Upeksha (equanimity), Indrajala (faking military strength), in dealing with neighbouring powers predominantly dealt in the realms of managing perceptions.
India has been in the lead in troop participation in some of the most difficult peace operations. Despite its contribution and the supreme sacrifices made, India and many other countries, who are the major contributors, have not received their rightful place in the United Nations (UN). On the other hand, important policy decisions are always made by the permanent members of the Security Council and a few other influential nations. Earlier, India was among only a few Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) whose participation in peacekeeping was considered crucial for the success of the mission.